Helping businesses improve productivity

Software Development

Tailored Applications

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Trax has three major product groups:

Trax Domiciliary Suite
Multi-company Accounting – Company Administration – Time Recording, Disbursements, Billing.
- Integrated, multi-currency, multi-entity,
multi-lingual operation and reporting - Full six-level analytical accounting,
configuration flexibility - Automated end-of-period value adjustments
- Standardised or user-stipulated charts of accounts in various languages
- Financial Statement Editor included – produce any format, any language
- Repeating entries, automated assistance for reconciliation, lettering suspense resolution
- Automated link to European Central Bank FX rates
- Links to stock price services available
- Full analytical consolidation / aggregation
- Machine assisted portfolio accounting, revelation, reporting
- Data merge to Microsoft Excel
- eCDF, eTVA and FAIA reporting (XML)
- Automated NAV

Trax Fund Administration Suite
Share Register and Transfer Agent – NAV Accounting – Administration – Compliance and Risk
- Capital commitments, capital calls, capital redomination, partial reimbursal of capital
- Dividend declaration with optional re-investment at an individual or global level
- Integrated register of fund investors
- Define, calculate and price to six decimal places
- Batch processing, subscriptions, redemptions, switches, transfers
- Supports rounding and remainder management
- Shareholder communication (statements, register, advices, confirmations)
- Multi-lingual input and reporting
- CRS reporting (XML)

Trax SPV and Derivative Accounting
Trax SPV Accounting™ is designed, for accountants and finance directors in the securitisation industry.
- Bond and Note Emission / Adjacent Assets
- Linked Loan / Linked Borrowing
- Interest Rates Swap Loan / Interest Rates Swap Borrowing
- Cross Currency Swap Loan / Cross Currency Swap Borrowing
- Credit Default Swap Loan / Credit Default Swap Borrowing
- Option Loan / Option Borrowing
- Equity Swap Loan / Equity Swap Borrowing
- Control statements for related fees
- Issue Fees
- Syndication Commissions
- Praemia
- Discounts
- Up Front Fees Received
- Automated NAV
Trax Domiciliary Suite
Multi-company Accounting – Company Administration – Time Recording, Disbursements, Billing
Increased Productivity, Profitability, and Client Satisfaction
Multi-company, multi-currency, multi-lingual Accounting – Trax Accounting
- Integrated, multi-currency, multi-entity, multi-lingual operation and reporting
- Full six-level analytical accounting, configuration flexibility
- Automated end-of-period value adjustments
- Standardised or user-stipulated charts of accounts in various languages
- Financial Statement Editor included – produce any format, any language
- Repeating entries, automated assistance for reconciliation, lettering suspense resolution
- Automated link to European Central Bank FX rates
- Links to stock price services available
- Full analytical consolidation / aggregation
- Provides pre-defined entry screens for accounting treatment of assets and liabilities
- Multi-lingual input and reporting
- eCDF, eTVA and FAIA reporting (XML)
Quickly and efficiently generate accounting data for top-class, fast and informative reporting
Company Administration – Trax Diary
- Company administration and KYC management module
- Provides data to Trax Accounting
- Diarised reminders for tasks falling due, by individual or team, backlog management
- Nomination, terms, renewals, resignations, mandates and approval for all connected persons
- Management and full documentation of AGO, EGO, notes to Accounts
- Workflow design, analysis and application
- Links to specialised Diligence modules (e.g. CDDS –
Easily and productively manage and administer client companies, shareholders and other appointees for fast and informative reporting
Time Recording and Billing – Trax Timerecording and Billing
- Comprehensive yet simple time recording, multi-axis time analysis and grouping
- Sophisticated Employee / Client / Task matrix for charge-out rate management
- Manage Fixed Fees, Advances, Recovery, Reconciliation, Write-Offs, Up-Billing
- Accepts data from Trax Disbursements for Expense and Disbursement management and recovery
- Mutliple billing options, e.g. all work-in-progress (WIP), WIP > x, by Department, Line-by-Line, etcetera
- Employee Productivity and Departmental / Client Profitability
- Per Client or Group invoice configuration (level of detail, language, grouping, etc)
- Analysis and Billing per Project
- Multi-entity billing (Accounting Company + Logo, Audit Company + Logo, Consultancy Company + Logo)
Track staff time, maximise productivity, profitability and recovery by accurate, reliable and justifiable billing
Trax Disbursements
- Automated accounting treatment of posting, allocating and recovering disbursements and expenses
- Accepts electronic invoices from suppliers (courier services, tax offices, company registration dues)
- Automatically adds expenses and disbursements to next client invoice (may be altered, deferred or suppressed)
Efficient, timely disbursement and expense recovery help you recover costs and bill these transparently to clients
Trax Fund Administration Suite
Share Register and Transfer Agent – NAV Accounting – Administration – Compliance and Risk
Increased Productivity, Profitability, and Client Satisfaction
Share Register and Transfer Agent – Trax Shareholder
- Capital commitments, capital calls, capital redomination, partial reimbursal of capital
- Dividend declaration with optional re-investment at an individual or global level
- Integrated register of fund investors
- Defines, calculates and prices to six decimal places
- Batch processing, subscriptions, redemptions, switches, transfers
- Supports rounding and remainder management
- Shareholder communication (statements, register, advices, confirmations)
- Multi-lingual input and reporting
- CRS reporting (XML)
Quickly and efficiently provide investors with reliable, informative and timely information and service
Trax NAV Accounting
- Integrated, multi-currency, multi-fund, multi-compartment, multi-class, multi-lingual transactions
- Full six-level analytical accounting
- Configuration flexibility
- Automated NAV calculation per share class
- Automated apportioning of commissions, fees, regular outlays
- Automated link to European Central Bank FX rates
- Links to stock price services available
- Full analytical consolidation / aggregation
- Provides pre-defined entry screens for accounting treatment of assets and liabilities
- Covers financial portfolios, real estate, antiques, classic cars, works of art and funds of funds
- Financial Statement Editor included – produce any format, any language
- Multi-lingual input and reporting
- XML reporting available
Easily and productively generate accounting and valuation data for top-class fast and informative reporting
Administration – Trax Fund Diary
- KYC management module
- Provides data to Trax NAV Accounting
- Nomination, terms, renewals, resignations, mandates and approval for all connected persons
- Management and full documentation of AGO, EGO, notes to Accounts
- Workflow design, analysis and application
Manage and report on Company/Fund administration easily, accurately, effectively and on time
Trax Limits
- Compliance and Risk Reporting Module
- Accepts data from Trax NAV Accounting
- Exception reporting for risk and investment policy criteria
- Ad hoc client preference reporting
- Sophisticated dynamic rule building and application
Efficient, timely exception reporting helps you manage risk and compliance with legal and prospectus criteria
Trax SPV and Derivative Accounting
Trax SPV Accounting™ provides, for accountants and finance directors in the securitisation industry, all the features and functionalities required for multi-issue and derivatives accounting and financial reporting.
Trax SPV Accounting™ provides, for accountants and finance directors in the securitisation industry, all the features and functionalities required for multi-issue and derivatives accounting and financial reporting. Major features include extensive automatic bookkeeping with auto-posting of interest receivable and payable, foreign exchange gains and losses, end of period revaluation and reversal of closing entries. Real and pseudo- consolidation of period-end adjusted accounts can be undertaken at any date. The installation can benefit from reliable, fixed format data flows providing up-to-date fx, stock exchange information.
The system is designed to produce detailed reporting on bond emissions, linked loans and related derivative deals. Specific tools allow regrouping and detailed reporting according to the bond emission hierarchy of all related deal types. This is based on the TraxAnalytical module. It dramatically reduces the number of security types, deals and accounts that must be created and maintained and it requires less intervention on your part with respect to the chart of accounts and financial statement layout.
The links between the bond issue or adjacent assets and related loans, hedge operations (CDS, CRS, Options or other derivatives) and connected fees are easily managed. After the emission or adjacent assets are booked appropriate routines assist the user in booking all related deals, proposing amounts and other information emanating from the base deal. The link between deals – through ISIN code – is recorded and used later in reporting.
Using securities in bond emission deals and linking loans to those will be sufficient for TraxAnalytical to prepare analytical financial statement reports and provide detailed results to the analytical version of the TraxCell MS-Excel-merge module.
The system respects the different approaches required between IFRS and Lux-GAAP. You may switch between accounting methods through posting specific analytical bookkeeping batches (individual reversal and global re-allocation). You retain the possibility of switching back and forth between IFRS and Lux-GAAP.
Switching is achieved by applying a specific accounting procedure in order to accommodate alternative accounting standards, including the amortization of specific fees. For example option praemia registered as one-spot can be amortised and provisioned. The range of possibilities for recording and processing such fees – receivable and payable – is extended to allow each deal to be processed individually and according to its specific amortization or provision schedule. All of these fees are related analytically and booked, processed and reported separately.
In addition foreign exchange differences are individually allocated to each deal.
Trax SPV thus delivers full analytic (by ISIN) booking, management and reporting for Subjacent Assets, Note Issue Securitisation and Derivatives:
- Notes Emission / Adjacent Assets
- Linked Loan / Linked Borrowing
- Interest Rates Swap Loan / Interest Rates Swap Borrowing
- Cross Currency Swap Loan / Cross Currency Swap Borrowing
- Credit Default Swap Loan / Credit Default Swap Borrowing
- Option Loan / Option Borrowing
- Equity Swap Loan / Equity Swap Borrowing
- and control statements for related fees
- Issue Fees
- Syndication Commissions
- Sub-primes / Over-primes
- Up Front Fees Received
- Up Front Fees Paid
- This is not an exhaustive list and other types of deals or fees may readily be accommodated
The system has a module designed to manage specific consolidation processes. Trax prepares an automatic data feed to external consolidation systems. This functions by extracting and re-processing accounting entries according to a predetermined set of parameters. This dynamic, analytical module provides conformity with group re-allocation requirements of all on- and off-balance sheet items. We currently have experience with Magnitude, Matisse, and Arpège consolidation systems.
The system allows production of accounts at any juncture through the life of the SPV, with full accrual and prepayment reversal. Accounts are produced ready for filing, complete with notes as required, and with user-definable customer output which can be produced in a selection of languages. Connections to mainframe and other data sources can be provided as part of the installation service.
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About Trax
The Trax Group was formed in August 1989, headquartered in Scotland. The Group’s principal operating company is Mackay & Radovic S.A. in Luxembourg. We have supplied in Australia, Belgium, Eire, England, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the USA and has a rich and varied client list, from independent professionals to major international financial institutions.
Trax provides innovative software solutions that meet the changing business demands of clients worldwide. Solutions are built upon the experience and dedication of the Trax team and have already ensured competitive success for major financial institutions. Trax also provides management consultancy services in relation to its software products and general management consultancy through its associate Business Consultancy Services. It also provides, as ancillary services, information technology consultancy, software maintenance and third party software.
Trax is a customer-driven organization. Listening to our customers and understanding their needs is our number one priority. Our communication strategy is built on customer care. You may not be familiar with the name Trax but you will have heard of many of our clients. We rely on our very satisfied client base to recommend our software rather than to run an advertising or marketing budget.
We take pride in ensuring that our software is a best fits for our clients’ requirements and offer highly flexible products to meet specific requirements and situations. More importantly, we never forget that it is our customers who run the software, not the software which runs the customers. Clients we attracted in our early years are still with us today, valuing our commitment to continuing quality service.
Our software is written for people, not machines and our mission is to turn your data into business management information.
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Let‘s Talk!
Our Address
Trax Business Solutions S.à r.l.
Mackay & Radovic S.A.
15 rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 691 438 807
Fax: +352 225 341